Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When less really is more...

A couple of days ago, I was slapped in the face with a cold reality...all over a cup of steaming hot coffee. I realized I've fallen victim to the "more is more" mentality of our culture today. 

I love coffee...A lot. Last year, my husband bought a new coffee maker, the newest version of the Keurig. As we stood in line at Target, I was all excited about how much more it could do. Several women behind us asked, "Oh, is that the new One??" To which we excitedly replied, "Why, yes it is..." Suddenly, a look of grave concern came over their faces as they began to murmur, "I would be nervous about the new one...I'm sticking with my old one...No, no, I would not buy the new one. " "Hmm," we said, "They don't know a good thing when they see it. This one is better. It does MORE than the old one. " And we were right. It does do more than the old one. And they were right. We should have been apprehensive because you can hardly find the cups for it any where. 

However, when you do find them, and put them in the holder and turn on the touch screen, more choices come up than on the old one. One choice is the amount of ounces you'd like to brew for your individual coffee cup...8, 10, 12 or 14.  I always choose 14.  More is better, right? Or so I thought. 14 ounces makes a pretty big cup of joe. I never really finish it all before it gets cold.  But it's more and I like that. 

The other morning, None of my favorite coffee cups were clean. (I'm picky about coffee cups). So I had to choose a smaller one than normal. This meant I had to choose a smaller setting on the touch screen. I chose 12 oz. instead of 14.  Now, I had another option of course; I could have washed a bigger cup and still pushed 14.  But, why wait when now is available, right?  So, 12 it was. I finished my coffee concoction and took the first steamy sip...Wow! It was amazing!  Better than ever before! What was the difference?  It was less...LESS was MORE! 

Over that delicious cup of realization, I pondered how this Truth poured over in my own life. 1 Timothy 6:6 tells us, "But godliness with contentment is great gain."  Contentment here comes from a word that means "be enough".  It struck me that in my choice to let 12 ounces of coffee be enough, I found great gain, goodness that I'd been missing all along because I thought surely more must mean better. 

This little morning coffee revelation has led me to examine other areas of my life where I can choose to let "less be enough".  For example, less busy activity will bring more intentional family time - great gain.  Less material possessions will bring more freedom in giving - great gain. Less pressure to perform will bring more satisfaction in God's giftings - great gain. 

I like this less is more stuff already! 

How about you? What "less" could gain you "more" today?  Oh! I wish we could chat about it over a good 12 ounces of coffee...

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